Personalized and Convenient Tutoring Priced Just For You
Don't Let Your Coursework Get You Down!
MySchoolTA's mission is to level the playing field for ALL students by providing needed educational assistance while significantly reducing the cost to participate.
Why Do Students Need Extra Assistance?
Getting assistance with school is becoming commonplace to compete
College level material is increasingly moving down into high schools. For years, colleges have recognized the need for TA’s to assist students. High schools should too!
Extracurricular activities are important to student growth and required to get into college. We bring assistance to students when they need help most.
Colleges continue to be more selective on the students they accept. By working to improve their GPA with our assistance, students boost their probability of getting into the college of their dreams.
Financial assistance at college is often dependent on student GPA. Getting assistance now can significantly lower college tuition later.
Not all students learn at the same rate. Our assistance gives every student the opportunity to maximize their success.
What Others Say About MySchoolTA
The Instructor was great! Helpful review for upcoming test.
Samantha L.
- Calculus Student
I know for certain that my students will benefit from this resource if they take the time to use it. My students had great feedback each time we've discussed it.
Jamie H.
- Trigonometry teacher
I think MySchoolTA is an awesome resource. Students who attend regularly really appreciate all the additional help.
trish b.
- dean of academics
What Sets Us Apart?
Weekly Sessions
Sessions are 90 minutes long and hosted on the same day and time every week for the duration of the term.
Comfort of Home
No more running to tutoring sessions or back to campus. Sessions are taught in a webinar fashion right in your own home.
Coordinated with Teacher
TA's plan weekly with the student's teachers to understand where the class has challenges, upcoming homework, or upcoming tests.
Learn with your Peers
Sessions are school, class, and teacher specific. You learn alongside your peers. Information is equally available to all students.
Utilizes Technology
Sessions are hosted via webinar technology so students can attend from anywhere they have an internet connection and a browser.
Because sessions are taught in a group manner, the costs of tutoring are spread out, lowering your individual costs but with all the benefits.
Consistent TA
TA's teach every session of their course for the entire term which helps them to better understand the students and class.
Convenient Timing
Hosted in the evening during normal homework hours. Does not interfere with after school activities or family time.
High Quality TA's
All TA's are fully vetted both for background and skillset. They are also frequently reviewed for quality.
Sessions are Archived
Can't attend your group session? Sessions are recorded in case they are missed or for additional offline review.